Frequently Asked Questions
What are your hours?
Our office is open to answer and return your calls from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Our office is closed on weekends and holidays. Our pet sitting hours are 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM seven days a week, 365 days a year. When you call us during office hours, you may reach our voicemail whenever we're out taking care of pets. We return all calls the same day we receive them or within one business day.
What if I have an emergency when your office is closed?
You can always reach either your sitter or the owner right thru the pet sitting portal 24/7 if an emergency arises. Most of our clients also have their sitters personal cell phone number and/or the owner's cell phone number as well. You will always be able to reach someone.
Can I bring my pet to your home or office?
We provide services in your home only, where your pet is most comfortable.
How many visits per day do you provide?
As many as you need! However, we do require a minimum of ONE visit per day for cats and small caged animals, and THREE visits per day for dogs.How long are the visits?
Most visits are about 30 minutes unless scheduled otherwise. We might stay a little less time for a shy cat who is waiting for us to leave, before coming out to eat. If something happens that requires extra attention, we may be there a bit longer than usual.
How much notice do you need?
As much notice as possible. We recommend that you call two weeks before your trip to help ensure availability, but we will care for your pets with less notice if we have room on our schedule. Because we're making visits to pets at certain intervals throughout the day, we can't "overbook" ourselves by accepting additional reservations once the schedule is full. During holiday times, we highly recommend that you make your reservation at least one month in advance, as we book to capacity over major holidays.
How do I set up services?
Setting up service is easy! When you call or email us, we'll answer any questions you have and then get your full name and email address. We'll then send you a welcome email from our online pet sitting portal called Time to Pet. From there you'll sign up, sign a couple electronic forms, enter all your info, your pet's info and the visit info. You'll also be able to book service, make payments, cancel visits, communicate with staff and receive visit reports thru there! There's also a free app you can get right in your app store! If you get the app you'll receive notifications right to your phone after each visit containing a detailed note, a visit checklist and lots of cute pics of your pets!
What happens at the meet and greet?
This is the fun part!! We get to meet you and your pets! You also can show us around so we can get an idea of your pets routine. This way we will be able to stick to it as best as possible!
The meeting gives us a chance to get to know each other as well as your pets. We'll get all of the instructions for your pet's care, including your pet's exercise and feeding routines, special habits and favorite toys, as well as any other information you feel will be helpful. We'll get emergency contact information, and obtain your key and payment. After this meeting is completed, we will be prepared to care for your pets during all of your future travel, with no further meetings necessary.
What if I'm not traveling, but I need dog walking or another service?
We'll still come over for the free consultation meeting shortly before you'll need us to begin providing service. If you need dog walking or puppy potty break services, we're generally able to meet with you and begin services within two business days of request.
How will I know how my pet did while I was gone?
You may download the free app that goes along with our pet sitting portal and you will get notifications right to your phone once a visit is completed. We will send a detailed note including a checklist of tasks completed. We document things such as food, water, walks, potty breaks, and other details, as well as what fun, silly, or cute behaviors your pet had at each visit. We also send lots of cute pictures of your pets!!